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Ease Back into Classroom Routines and Procedures

Classroom Routines and Procedures

Hey teacher friend! Happy 2020! Are you looking for a way to ease back into your classroom routines and procedures after the long break? Time off always goes by too quickly, but I am sure you are excited to see your students. Let’s face it, even if you aren’t excited yet, ready or not, here they come!!!

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One thing to remember is that not all of your students will have had an amazing time over break.  Some will be much happier being back at school in the amazing classroom environment that you have worked so hard to create.  So even if sharing about break seems like the most logical thing to do as you return to school, you may want to consider some other alternatives.  

Top 5 Tips

Tip Number One: Make it Cozy

On the first morning back, I like to bring on the cozy feels.  I put the fireplace on my whiteboard screen, and I usually keep up my white Christmas lights to add a glow to the room.  If you don’t have lights, turn on a lamp. 

Next, be sure to greet your students at the door, even though it is terribly tempting to get caught up on email.  Walk around the room and chat with kids one-on-one as they do morning work. This gives them a chance to tell you about break if they want to, without adding pressure to kids that may not want to share. This also ensures that you are actively monitoring if they are following your morning procedures.

Tip Number Two: Practice Routines

Then, as the day gets underway, make sure to review your expectations like it is the first week of school.  We all know the importance of classroom routines and procedures. Remember, just as you have been binge-watching Netflix and staying in your pajamas all day, so have your students. They may have a hard time adjusting back to being on a schedule, so you can support them by providing some review.

Tip Number Three: Skip Homework

No homework.  Just no. Many, if not all of your kids, had a very different schedule and little structure over the break.  Being back in school all day will be hard enough without piling on anything additional.  If you feel like you need to give them something, try keeping it super light and fun.

I am planning to send home an optional assignment.  Students will have the opportunity to write down two jokes to bring in and share with the class.  My students love to share with their classmates, so this is a great opportunity for each of them to take center stage.  This will also help them restart the routine of writing an assignment in their planner and returning it to school the next day, without the pressure of anything too difficult.

However, If your students don’t enjoy getting up in front of the class, you could create a Flipgrid assignment for them to create a video to share their jokes.  If you have never used Flipgrid, shoot me an email. I would be happy to help you learn about this awesome tech tool!

Tip Number Four: Set Goals

Set some goals.  Just as adults set goals for the new year, students need to refocus as well.  Having a goal in mind is a great way to motivate students. In my classroom, we have goal setting sheets that students fill out.  Sometimes the whole class has the same goal, and other times the goals are individual.  

When students crush their goal, we cheer for them and proudly display the slip on the board.  I love it when I suggest a reasonable goal, and some students want to set an even harder goal for themselves.  Yay for those super-motivated kids! If you are interested in this product, you can check it out here.

Tip Number Five: Celebrate!

Finally, celebrate making it through the week!  I am planning on having hot chocolate and doing a winter craft on Friday afternoon.  Having something special to look forward to will hopefully keep students motivated and on track!

I am going to try the crockpot recipe I found on The Primary Playground.  

I hope you have a great first week back and that your students easily slip back into your classroom routines and procedures.  If you enjoyed this post, you may also like to read about building relationships with your students, here. If you haven’t already, I would love for you to hop over to my Teachers Pay Teachers shop and give me a follow.  If you are looking for more great ideas for the month of January, my friend Amanda of Sparkling in Primary, has a great post on the best children’s winter books. Happy New Year!


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