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7 Teacher Must Haves

teacher must haves

Did you know that according to the average annual spending of Amazon Prime members is $1,400 a year?

Knowing that, is it any wonder that I buy some of my most favorite teaching products for my primary classroom on Amazon?

I love these finds because they:

  • Make my teacher life more organized
  • Help my classroom be more functional
  • Enhance my students’ learning experience

I just know you are going to love these products too.  Let’s jump in!

Teacher Must Haves: Books!

The first product that every primary teacher needs is the book, this post.

Do you remember how our teachers didn’t let us write in our books?  Forget that!  I love to take this book and mark it up with a highlighter, clip the sections I want to use, and so on. If you have been teaching for a long time, you may not need to read this book. It is definitely one of my first year teacher must haves.   However, as an experienced teacher, I still find it to be a great refresher in August as I prep for back-to-school.  

The next product is also a book.  Can you tell that I love to read?  This book is called, The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading” by Jan Richardson.  Wow!  Just wow!  I wish I had this book from the moment I started teaching.

In this book, Ms. Richardson includes tools for organizing and planning instruction for students across a variety of reading levels.  The book also has intervention strategies for struggling readers and dual language learners.  Comprehension modules will cover all the essential strategies that you need to teach primary students.

There’s more!  You will have access to a bank of assessments and access to over 50 videos where Jan models how to implement all of these strategies.  How helpful would that be for planning out your small group instruction?  There is still more included!  The online bank also includes recording forms for documentation.   It is definitely a reading teacher’s must-have item!

Teacher Must Haves: Organization!

Okay, moving on from books!  Do you have a planner?  Teachers have so much going on at school and at home that they need to stay super organized!

Everyone has their own taste when it comes to planners.  I prefer a smaller paper planner made by Tullofa that I can carry with me in my purse or teacher bag at all times.  I know it is a bit old school, but there is something to be said for writing things down.  It just seems to stick in my brain better that way!

The Tullofa planner is beautiful and VERY affordable compared to many of the brands that I see some teachers purchasing.  I also like that it has small spiral binding so that it lays flat when I am using it.  It includes monthly and weekly planning pages.  Similarly, I love the elastic band that slips over the edge to keep it closed when I am not using it.

Now, I want to share some items that make my classroom more organized!  My very favorite organization item is the Novelinks Photo Case Box for 4×6 photos.  I don’t use it for photos, but it is perfect to store lots of items in your classroom.

The large case holds 16 small boxes with a snap-close lid.  The bright colors complement my classroom vibe, and the transparent plastic makes it easy to see what is inside. The exterior case has a handle, so I can carry it from the cabinet to my teacher table.  It is super sturdy, so I can load it up without worrying about it breaking.


  • Sturdy construction
  • Holds lots of small items
  • See through boxes
  • Handle for easy carrying
  • Vibrant colors


  • Heavy when full
  • Have to open outer container and then inner container to get what you want

The first box that I purchased, I use for my mini eraser collection.  They are the perfect size to hold one or two bags of mini erasers from everyone’s favorite…the Target dollar spot!  I have a serious addiction!  Send help!

In the next box, I use my containers for literacy and math center games.  I store board game pieces, matching games, flashcards, and more in these little boxes.  They are easy to take out and easy to put away!

Speaking of easy storage, I’m also obsessed with the rainbow drawer set from Really Useful Boxes. It has eight drawers in a variety of bright colors and casters so it can roll wherever you need it!

I can never have enough drawers for all of my teacher essentials.  

Things I store in my drawers:

  • Bandaids
  • Stickers
  • Post-its
  • Paperclips
  • Binder clips
  • Award sheets
  • Birthday certificates
  • Forms (like passes to the nurse)
  • AND MORE!!!

The only downside to the drawer units is that they can be a bit expensive on a teacher’s salary.  However, I think it is something worth saving for if you have lots of things to store.

Teacher Must Haves-Manipulatives!

Now, let’s move onto the most important people in my classroom!  The kids!  I have several products that I love to use to benefit my students.  

My students absolutely love to play games.  Often these games include the use of dice.  Gahhhhh!  The noise can be overwhelming if you are playing partner games and half of the students are rolling dice at the same time.  

Purchasing foam dice is a total game changer!  Koplow Games sells a bucket of 120 soft foam dice.  They come in a variety of bright colors, and there are plenty if you want to share with your grade level team or teacher bestie.  Another bonus?  No one is going to get hurt if a die “accidentally” goes flying.  Just keepin’ it real!

Finally, another hands-on learning manipulative that teachers must have is letter magnets!  You can do so many different letter, sound, and word-building activities with these magnets.

The Coogan Magnetic Letters Set includes both uppercase and lowercase foam letters.  They are brightly colored and also come with punctuation marks.  The only downside is trying to get them organized back into the box.  

Teacher Tip:  Choose one or two of those super helpful students to get that task done!

That’s a wrap!

That’s my current list of teacher must haves for the primary classroom. 

Finding the right products to support me in my teaching journey took a lot of trial and error. Lucky for you … you get to skip the hassle and fall back on my proven list of awesome products on Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but it doesn’t cost you any more to purchase from these links.

I just want to say, thank you for being a teacher.  It is truly one of the most important jobs in the world!

While you are here, make sure to grab a copy of my FREE guide 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Teaching First Grade. 


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